A one week assignment to experience product feedback target to make invisible visible
Requirement: Design an object and/or system that makes visible something invisible in someone’s world. This could be either physical or digital. Consider whether the feedback should be immediate/synchronous, delayed, cumulative, historical, or some combination of these.
66% of traffic fatalities are caused by aggressive driving.
37% of aggressive driving incidents involve a firearm.
Males under the age of 19 are the most likely to exhibit road rage.
Half of drivers who are on the receiving end of an aggressive behavior, such as horn honking, a rude gesture, or tailgating admit to responding with aggressive behavior themselves.
Over a seven year period, 218 murders and 12,610 injuries were attributed to road rage.
“I know it’s bad, but I can’t control myself.”
“You have to understand; people could be in a hurry.”
“Drivers that get into my way and get me into danger make me angry.”
“They tailgate, and cut into others’ lines; they are dangerous.”
“No one got into their ways; it’s all on themselves.”
“I will try my best to keep from that kind of people.”
HMW know if some one is having an aggressive emotion?
HMW soothe people when they have road rage?
HMW display and reveal the emotion for record?
HMW get other drivers to avoid aggressive drivers?
HMW help drivers to learn to control themselves?